💰NutsDAO Tournaments

We launched our NutsDAO MTT platform earlier than we planned: https://www.nutsdao.pro

Join our discord if you have any questions about joining our MTT.

How to get an MTT user

To get a user in the NutsDAO MTT platform, one must download and register a user in our NutsDAO Poker.

After registering NutsDAO Poker, the player should get an in-app mail:

If you didn't see the in-app mail about MTT, please logout and login.

尊敬的玩家,我们已经开放NutsDAO MTT 平台 https://www.nutsdao.pro/ 请使用您的gameid (数字)作为用户名,[xxx]作为密码登录MTT平台。 MTT平台的经济系统和NutsDAO现金局暂时还未打通,目前使用独立的经济系统。我们将进行一系列的MTT赛事,会给用户提供丰厚的奖励,敬请期待。

Dear players, we have opened the NutsDAO MTT platform https://www.nutsdao.pro/ Please use your gameid (number) as the username and [xxx] as the password to log in to the MTT platform. The economic system of the MTT platform has not yet been connected with the NutsDAO cash game, and an independent economic system (chips) is currently used.Stay tuned for a series of MTTs with generous rewards.

Please sign in to https://www.nutsdao.pro using your NutsDAO gameid and randomly generated password and change your password immediately.

Join an MTT

After login you can select MTT and register it, please only register those you can attend (check the time).

MTT Rules

  1. Cheating players will get disqualified

  2. All USD rewards will credit to NutsDAO poker app

Last updated