😎Welcome to NutsDAO

NutsDAO is a non-profit poker game platform with NFT, Play To Earn and DAO components.In a poker game, the nut hand is the strongest possible hand in any given situation. DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is an organization that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government. DAO in Chinese has two meanings in relation to our project:​道, the natural order of the universe. This concept has a similar meaning to DAO, which emphasizes natural order over centralized power. We will be distributing all project's revenue, which is one kind of 道.到, arrive. Which is when the player hits a nut hand in the game.

DAO in Chinese has two meaning related to our project:

  1. 道, the natural order of the universe. This concept has similar meaning to the DAO, which emphasis natural order over centralized power. We will distribute all project's revenue which is one kind of 道.

  2. 到, arrive. Which means player hit a nut hand in the game.

Using this name, our vision is to build the best poker game platform.

The first version of NutsDAO Poker will be a centralized game, like most poker games in the market. We will build different component block by block to bring the platform into a decentralized and community-manageable space.

Poker game

The game client is developed by a team who has more than a decade of experience in developing poker games.

Our first release will be Android and iPhone version, with windows and Mac version on our roadmap.

Play to earn

One of NutsDAO's core concepts is using a Play-to-Earn pool to distribute project P&L to all poker players.

The detailed PTE rules will be explained in the Play-to-Earn session.


NutsDAO's NFTs serve three major purposes:

  1. Fund Raising

  2. Revenue Distribution

  3. Player Equity Differentiation

NutsDAO Poker utility token: $NUTS

The utility token NUTS will be used in-game to pay for RAKE and all sorts of gaming items. $NUTS to NutsDAO is very similar to BNB to Binance, the major usage is fee discount.

For example:

  1. Users need to pay 1 USD as fees

  2. If a user has a $NUTS token, the platform will take 0.8 USD (20% discount) worth of NUTS tokens as fees

  3. If the user bought the $NUTS token a long time ago, and assumes his cost of the token is 50% of the current price

  4. He is basically only paying 0.4 USD (60% discount, 0.8 USD x 50%) as fees

So, if a player expects that him/her will play a lot in this game, he/she should buy the $NUTS token in advance (or in a dip) to save on fees. Similar to a trader who expects to trade a lot in Binance will buy BNB in advance as well.

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